Happy 1/2 Birthday Asher! You are now six months old!
So what has Asher been up to lately? As I mentioned a week ago, Asher is sitting on his own like a champ. Asher is also a fantastic sleeper at night. He usually goes down around 7:30 and I wake him up in the morning around 6:30. On the weekends he will sleep until 7:30 or so. Asher is not a great napper and will take about five 30-45 minute naps during the day. I'm not complaining though when he sleeps 12 hours through the night.
My happy baby! Asher is so happy and will smile at just about anyone. Asher thinks his brother is the funniest person in the world right now. Asher had his six month appointment on Friday and weighed in at a whopping 21 pounds 10 ounces and is 27 1/4 inches long. He is in the 90th percentile for weight and 80th for height. Despite being a big boy, Asher still does not like cereal and/or baby food. Most of the time, I have to pry his mouth open to get a bite in there. He does however, love gerber puffs.
See all that drool? Asher's first tooth popped through and I don't think number two is far behind. This morning I was holding Asher when he bit down on my fingers. I thought his bite hurt a little bit so I started to feel his gums. Sure enough, there was a tooth there. Lets hope they all come in as easy as the first one! We are thrilled to see what the next six months bring!