I've blogged about it before, but in case your just popping in, Asher, our sweet little sixteen month old has been battling ear infections since last spring. He's had ear infection after ear infection, with little relief in between new rounds of antibiotics. Every time I would take him in for a recheck, his ears were either still infected, or there was still fluid still present.
The ear infections seemed to subside a bit this summer when we tried chiropractic treatment. Asher got adjusted by a local chiropractor two to three times a week. That worked for a bit, but that too came to an end. Soon, the crying in the middle of the night, the tugging of the ears, the trips to the Dr. and the constant supply of antibiotics in the fridge returned.
Last week, Dr. Schilling, our family physician, said enough was enough. Dr. Schilling referred us to Gundersen Lutheran's ear, nose and throat specialist, Dr. Redmann. Dr. Redmann is based out of La Crosse, but travels to Decorah and West Union. Dr. Redmann was so helpful and answered the many questions I had. He put my mind at ease. It was time for tubes.
So today, on Halloween, it was time.
Because Asher's ears were still so badly infected despite the latest rounds of antibiotics, we haven't slept through the night for several weeks. Part of Asher's waking in the wee hours of the morning I'm sure has to do with pain. The other part is habit. This morning, Asher woke at 12:30 a.m. when we quickly greeted him with a sippy cup of milk. We were hopping this would suffice his routine cup at 5:30 a.m. We were advised not to let Asher have anything to eat or drink six hours before surgery.
Asher's surgery time was set for 7:30 a.m., and we were supposed to arrive at the hospital for paper work and prep one hour before. In a perfect world, Asher would have slept until our 6:00 a.m. departure for the hospital. However, in true Asher fashion, he decided to throw any predictability out the window and wake at 4:45 am. I was quickly greeted with persistent whimpering at the repetitive sign for milk. Oh how I wanted to cave, but instead my mission became distraction. Asher took a 45 minute shower with me (he LOVES showers) and we hit the road at 5:45 a.m. for a very long and detoured drive to Decorah looking for cows (he LOVES cows). That's not so easy when it's still completely dark outside...
Asher was easily distracted and hammed it up with the nurses until about 7 a.m. That's when all the paper work and prep was done and we were hanging out watching the today show. Instead of him digging through all the latex gloves in the room, he was digging through my purse when he spotted the empty sippy cup. Ugh, I thought I had it in the diaper bag! The next half an hour was rough, but not as rough as the five seconds following when I handed off my screaming red head to the wonderful Dr.'s and nurses on the other side of the operating doors.
Asher was only out of my sight for about 25 minutes. They warned me when he returned that he could be a little agitated and may even push me away. Not because of pain or anger towards me, but because that was a common side effect of the anesthsia. I was catching up on the today show when I heard Asher coming down the hall. Just as any Mother would recognize the cry of their child, I knew that cry. I was relived. Asher was back in my arms, but he was mad. Yes, he was very upset and in fact, cried for the next 30 minutes we spent being monitored. Well, there was a three minute break when he downed a sippy of milk, but other than that, he was mad. He wanted out of there and wanted nothing to do with those nurses anymore.
Dr. Redmann said Asher did great and should already feel relief. His ears were terribly infected, but are finally getting the drainage they need. Any pulling or tugging he is doing today is no longer because of pain, but because of his new sense of hearing and comfort. A new normal.
On the ride home, Asher fell asleep and then got sick to his stomach. He fell back asleep and woke when I pulled in the garage and began to clean him up. He woke up happier than ever and signed milk and eat repetitively. After some eating and playing, more eating and more playing, my sweet little baby boy is back asleep.
So here's to a new normal. A normal of new sounds, new words and a new sense of comfort.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Cheers...to 60
This past weekend, our family gathered to celebrate the anniversary of my Grandparents. I distinctly remember celebrating their 40th, 50th, 55th and now we had the joyous privilege of celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.
Marriage is work. It's hard work, but to be able to make it 60 years takes some serious dedication to each other and to God. So another big congrats to my Grandparents, because I know you're reading! We love you so very much!
Marriage is work. It's hard work, but to be able to make it 60 years takes some serious dedication to each other and to God. So another big congrats to my Grandparents, because I know you're reading! We love you so very much!
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance ... love will last forever!" 1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Taking a bath {with clothes on}
Last night, much like any other night, I started to fill the bath water for the boys and went to gather their pajamas. First, I headed down to Landon's room. Then it was back up the stairs, past the bathroom to Asher's room. As I was gathering pajamas, socks and a diaper, I hear, "Mom, come quick, Asher's in the bath tub." How can that be, I just walked by two seconds ago, and...I haven't gotten him undressed yet...I HAVEN'T HAVEN'T GOTTEN HIM UNDRESSED YET!
I quickly rush to the bathroom to find Asher in the tub, fully clothed. No cares in the world, having the time of his life...
I quickly rush to the bathroom to find Asher in the tub, fully clothed. No cares in the world, having the time of his life...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
15 at 15
Here are 15 highlights from your 15th month Asher.
1. You are getting to be such a cuddler. In the mornings, you love to be held and cuddled while you have a sippy of milk. The length of time that you like to be held is getting longer and longer. During the day you will randomly reach out to be picked up simply so you can sneak in a hug.
2. Evenings are another story. You have never liked to be cuddled at night, and still don't. We hold you while you drink a sippy of milk and that's the most cuddling you do. When you're done with your milk, you literally throw your cup down on the floor. That's our sign that you're ready for bed. Once we reach the door for your room, you reach out for your bed and start saying "nigh, nigh." As soon as you get laid down, you roll over and fall asleep without making a peep.You usually fall asleep between 8 and 8:30 p.m.
3. You could win an award for being the most destructive in the shortest amount of time. You are into everything! You love pots and pans, tupperware, magazines, diapers, lotion, the toilet bowl, and just about anything else that you shouldn't have. The other night, you managed to sneak 7 pieces of dog food in your mouth at one time. Needless to say, you got your teeth brushed twice that night!
4. You could beat just about anybody in a stare down. Upon meeting new people, you stare at them so intently that you give off a vibe that you are either ticked off or studying their soul. You're really, really good at the stare down.
5. When you get told "no" or are mad, you are very good at shouting the word "no." It comes out very loud in a long drawn out, "NNNNnnnnnoo," with a lot of emphasis on the nnn. It happens almost immediately after we tell you no. If you're really mad, you will stick out your bottom lip. If you're really, really mad, you will shake your head no at the same time as well.
6. You are able to communicate with us by signing. You know probably 12-18 signs. Milk, water, diaper, eat, etc.
7. You love babies. Almost every baby that you see whether in person, a video or a photo, you say in this super cute high pitched voice, "hi there." It may not come out that clear, but that is definitely what you are saying. The funny thing is that you do this to "babies" that are bigger than you. You are an excellent little brother and if the chance, you would be an awesome big brother as well. If not, you will just be a super awesome big cousin!
8. Much to my disappointment, yo have gotten to be a picky eater. I think it's because you're teething, but some meals, you won't eat anything we put on your tray. If it were up to you, you could probably still survive on milk and milk alone. Hopefully someday soon you will enjoy the yummy food that's put before you.
9. You love to be outside. Bernice says that after you wake up from your nap, you immediately go to the door because you know that's the routine. On the weekends, you love being outside as well. I'm not sure what we're going to do in the winter time. But I have to say, I can't wait to see you waddle around in the snow.
10. You don't have any comfort items that you absolutely need. You sleep with a blanket and a taggie, but I think you could care less about them. There are times that you will find a paci in the toy box, and you will put it in your mouth to chew on, but that's the extent of it. This tends to resemble your care-free personality.
11. You are in love with your brother. When you wake up in the morning, you can be a bit of a bear. You tend to walk around whimpering while you look for your brother. When he comes up the steps you let out a big shriek and run towards him. That is always followed by your brother hugging you. You usually hang on longer than he does. That usually brings tears to my eyes, because I always want you two to love each other as much as you do today.
12. You have 9 teeth. Four upper front teeth, four bottom front teeth and one molar. Your other molars are so close to coming in. Your poor little gums are bulging in the back.
13. You wake up between 5 and 5:30 am. I wish you would sleep a little longer, but as soon as you hear us start to stir, you too think you need to get out of bed.
14. You have an infectious laugh. You're laugh is so genuine and comes from deep down in your belly. I can't help but laugh when you do.
15. You are incredibly persistent. When you're little cozy coupe gets caught up on other toys, you keep pushing and yelling at the top of your lungs. You share this trait with your brother. The persistent part, not the yelling at the top of your lungs. We are continually amazed at the things you figure out.
1. You are getting to be such a cuddler. In the mornings, you love to be held and cuddled while you have a sippy of milk. The length of time that you like to be held is getting longer and longer. During the day you will randomly reach out to be picked up simply so you can sneak in a hug.
2. Evenings are another story. You have never liked to be cuddled at night, and still don't. We hold you while you drink a sippy of milk and that's the most cuddling you do. When you're done with your milk, you literally throw your cup down on the floor. That's our sign that you're ready for bed. Once we reach the door for your room, you reach out for your bed and start saying "nigh, nigh." As soon as you get laid down, you roll over and fall asleep without making a peep.You usually fall asleep between 8 and 8:30 p.m.
4. You could beat just about anybody in a stare down. Upon meeting new people, you stare at them so intently that you give off a vibe that you are either ticked off or studying their soul. You're really, really good at the stare down.
5. When you get told "no" or are mad, you are very good at shouting the word "no." It comes out very loud in a long drawn out, "NNNNnnnnnoo," with a lot of emphasis on the nnn. It happens almost immediately after we tell you no. If you're really mad, you will stick out your bottom lip. If you're really, really mad, you will shake your head no at the same time as well.
6. You are able to communicate with us by signing. You know probably 12-18 signs. Milk, water, diaper, eat, etc.
7. You love babies. Almost every baby that you see whether in person, a video or a photo, you say in this super cute high pitched voice, "hi there." It may not come out that clear, but that is definitely what you are saying. The funny thing is that you do this to "babies" that are bigger than you. You are an excellent little brother and if the chance, you would be an awesome big brother as well. If not, you will just be a super awesome big cousin!
8. Much to my disappointment, yo have gotten to be a picky eater. I think it's because you're teething, but some meals, you won't eat anything we put on your tray. If it were up to you, you could probably still survive on milk and milk alone. Hopefully someday soon you will enjoy the yummy food that's put before you.
9. You love to be outside. Bernice says that after you wake up from your nap, you immediately go to the door because you know that's the routine. On the weekends, you love being outside as well. I'm not sure what we're going to do in the winter time. But I have to say, I can't wait to see you waddle around in the snow.
10. You don't have any comfort items that you absolutely need. You sleep with a blanket and a taggie, but I think you could care less about them. There are times that you will find a paci in the toy box, and you will put it in your mouth to chew on, but that's the extent of it. This tends to resemble your care-free personality.
11. You are in love with your brother. When you wake up in the morning, you can be a bit of a bear. You tend to walk around whimpering while you look for your brother. When he comes up the steps you let out a big shriek and run towards him. That is always followed by your brother hugging you. You usually hang on longer than he does. That usually brings tears to my eyes, because I always want you two to love each other as much as you do today.
12. You have 9 teeth. Four upper front teeth, four bottom front teeth and one molar. Your other molars are so close to coming in. Your poor little gums are bulging in the back.
13. You wake up between 5 and 5:30 am. I wish you would sleep a little longer, but as soon as you hear us start to stir, you too think you need to get out of bed.
14. You have an infectious laugh. You're laugh is so genuine and comes from deep down in your belly. I can't help but laugh when you do.
15. You are incredibly persistent. When you're little cozy coupe gets caught up on other toys, you keep pushing and yelling at the top of your lungs. You share this trait with your brother. The persistent part, not the yelling at the top of your lungs. We are continually amazed at the things you figure out.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Preschool and politics
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
A day in the park
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