Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More ear infections

We were back at the Dr. yesterday to deal with more ear infections.  For the past few months, little brother has been doing very well.  The tubes are doing their jobs and we have been ear infection free.  Big bro on the other hand came down with a cold over the weekend.  It resulted in him telling me on Sunday night that his ear hurt.  So it was off to the Dr. we went Monday morning.  Landon has never been wrong about ear infections.  In fact, by the time he tells us, they have usually ruptured or are severely infected.  His pain tolerance is out of this world.

So the Dr. confirmed our suspicions, and diagnosed Landon with another double ear infection.  This is Landon's 3rd or 4th infection in just a couple months.  In fact, Landon has yet to pass a hearing test at school.  I think he's failed 3.  He's either just had an ear infection, or comes down with an infection a few days after the test.  In one month, we'll go back for a recheck.  If there is still fluid, we will go back and meet with Dr. Redmann for a consult on tubes.  Buy one get one free..anyone?

On a side note, I came down with the stomach flu last Friday night.  It caught up with Asher last night, and he is still running a fever tonight.  We also went from an ice storm, to 50 degrees, to a predicted snow storm of 6-9 inches all within 96 hours.  Ahhh winter...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I'm too busy crocheting to blog

That's right, I'm addicted to crocheting.  If you follow me on pinterest, you will see that 75% of my pins lately have been crocheting projects.  Remember the headband I made.  Well, I've moved on to hats.  Here is my latest project. 
 So it's a little too small for Asher, but good thing I have a sweet little nephew who will fit into it. :)
 If you're interested in the pattern, you can find it here.  And fyi, she has the cutest projects ever!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year's Resolution - Crocheting

Ok, so I have a few resolution for this New Year, but one that I was really excited to get started on was learning how to crochet.  I've seen so many fun things all over pinterest, and thought I could do that myself.  Isn't that how it always goes!

I found this blog here, and taught myself.  Let me tell you, her tutorial was super easy to follow, and I have found crocheting to be easy, relaxing and addicting.  Granted, I have only learned the basics so far, but I've learned enough to make my first headband.
Is it weird that my 18 month old and I have the same size head?  Well sort of, the headband is suppose to be tighter and is on my head, but still...
Again, I found this pattern on pinterest.  If you would like the pattern, click here.  It was fairly easy and took me about 2 hours from start to finish.  The flower was a little trickier, and I couldn't quite follow the pattern, so I just searched youtube until I found a flower pattern I liked.  I'm sure this is just the first of many projects to come!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Homemade playdough

So much for being better at blogging, right!?  Well anyway, happy 2013!  We brought in the New Year with not much of a bang this year.  For the first time in years, we stayed in.  I made shrimp pasta and three of us were asleep by 8:15 p.m.  Can you guess which three?  Yup, you guessed it!

New Year's Day was just as low key.  The boys and I found ourselves letting loose (ok, that really just means me letting toys lay on the floor for more than a half an hour) and whipping up some crafts. 
Aside from working on my New Year's resolution of learning how to crochet (more on that later!), we worked on coloring, painting and working with homemade playdough.

I really detest playdough.  It's smelly, it's messy, the colors always get mixed together and it's just gross.  Not knowing what's really in the real stuff, I decided to make our own.  This way, if Asher actually got some in his mouth, I know it really wouldn't hurt his little tummy. 
The end result, it smelled like grapes, so it was tempting for them not to try and eat it, but they played with it for hours.  We will definitely try it again.