Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in review

January brought new years resolutions.  Some stuck, some didn't.  The promise of more exercise fluctuated like the elastic waist of my yoga pants, but the resolution of learning a new hobby has perfected itself into a nice side business and keeps me just as busy as I like.
February was a chance to share our love and celebrate a very special day - Valentine's Day.
March brought a first for Jeremy and I - our very first 5k together.  Ok, so we didn't finish together, but we did start together.  It was a cold brew-and-stew but that made us want to get to the finish line even faster!  We also celebrate Easter about as early as it gets.

April brought the promise of Spring.  A spring vocal concert and finally the chance to wake ourselves from a long winter hibernation.
The beginning of May brought snow, and the last day of preschool brought flooding.  What a crazy spring.  We also got the chance to head out of town for the weekend to attend a wedding. 

June brought 10 years of wedded bliss and a weekend out of town.  It also brought more rain and the chance to dance in some puddles.  In between those rain showers, we finally got a chance to plant our garden. 

July - Happy 2nd Birthday Asher!

August brought one last mini to the Minnesota zoo and Legoland.   We also now have a kindergartener living in this house.

September brought a bounty of tomatoes and that meant it was time to learn how to can.  My kindergartener also wanted to learn something new this year - the piano.

Cowboys, fireman and all things fall in October.

A chance to count our blessings in November.

The year ended with Landon turning 6 and a very Merry Christmas.

Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year!

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