Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring is in the air...

I had the day off today as I have to work tomorrow.  Landon stayed home from daycare and we had a fabulous day!  The birds are chirping and Spring is on it's way!  You will see my post below has this household in the mood for spring cleaning!!  And, do you remember these guys!  Our Canadian Geese are back.  That must be a sign that spring is in the air...

It was another early morning in this house.  Ugghh, I wish I could get Landon to sleep past 4:30 am.  At least daylight savings time is just a week away.  Maybe that 4:30 am will turn into 5:30 am.  Then what's going to motivate me to get up?  This morning I got in a good hour workout before 6:00 am.  I admit that does feel refreshingly good!  Then it was off to work for a quick bit and then to get groceries.  We had a lot done by 11:00 am, and Landon was in need of a nap.  We had one more big thing on the agenda and that was to snap a few photos with some live bunnies and chicks.  Landon was not cooperating and refused to change into the outfit I picked out.  So, we compromised.  Do you know how well that works with a two year old?  You guessed it - he won.  He wore exactly what he had on.  That's ok though, I think the pictures turned out super cute.  Check back later to see for yourself!

Then it was off for home where Landon took a four hour nap and I got the house clean.  It was way too nice outside when Landon woke up, so we headed up to Calmar to pound out a few miles around NICC.
Can you tell who was more excited to head out for a walk?  Me neither!
That fresh air feels amazing!  Landon did not want to stop, but Elke was exhausted.  After 1 1/2 miles she laid down in the middle of the road.  I was not sure how I was going to get her back to the car.  After some coaxing, she got up and finished the last 1/2 mile.  That a girl!

Coming home meant a bath for Elke - that's always fun.  Then it was off to get some fish.  We met my sister and parents at the Farr Side (local bar), and devoured some yummy goodness.  On our way out, my Dad took Landon across the street to show him where his name is on the Veteran's Memorial.  Can you find it?

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