As you can see, goodbye spica cast, hello leg cast. It was a tough day, but Landon did an amazing job! I am so proud of Landon and how well he is handling all of these changes. He is such a big boy! The good news is that everything is healing very good. Looking at the xrays, there is a lot of new bone growth. The bad news, the cast will have to be on for 4 weeks instead of 3. Dr. Wintersteen said she felt more comfortable with the cast being on a little longer. She would hate for the cast to come off and the bone not be ready. If Landon were to take a tumble or hurt his leg in anyway, we could be in worse shape than when we started. I also feel so lucky to have gotten by so easy. She said most femur breaks the child ends up in the hospital for 3 weeks for traction and then they wear a spica cast for 6 weeks. I think we can handle what we got with no troubles. They even sent a walking boot home. So far Landon does not seem interested, so we'll try putting it on in again in a couple days. Landon was really wore out this afternoon and slept for 3 1/2 hours, he has spent this evening figuring out how to move around. I'm sure it won't take long! We do not have any further appointments until the cast removal on July 8.
Glad to hear Landon was a trooper yesterday getting his new cast and that things are healing well. I was also bummed to hear that he does have to wear this one for 4 weeks but from what you wrote, that's nothing compared to what it could have been! Yikes, 3 weeks in traction?? Mom said Landon will keep her on her toes even more now...she's pretty sure he'll be walking with the cast in no time and I think she's right! He's a go-getter!
Oh, Mom mentioned you wanted to know how I found your site...Dawn Lalk gave it to me. Hope that was ok!! :-)
Love the blue cast!:) Brooke shared your blog address with me, I hope that is OK! It is fun to stay in touch with people this way. Landon is adorable!
Thanks for the well wishes! Landon is definetly a go getter! We are so blessed Landon has such wonderful support to help him recover so quickly. Thanks for checking in!
Emily your blog is adorable and your boys are absolutely handsome!
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