What an interesting day....The cast that goes to Landon's knee on his unbroken leg is cracked and has been loose at his hip for several days. I contribute this to Landon moving around more in the last week or so. It was so loose that I wanted to double check with Landon's Dr. to make sure it was ok. After calling LaCrosse and speaking with the nurse a couple times, she informed me that Dr. Wintersteen wanted to double check it right away. It was 9:30 am, and they wanted us there by 11 am, or as soon as possible. Jeremy was really busy at work, but luckily Grandma Merrill was gracious enough to come along. Landon was not excited about this trip to the Dr. and began crying as soon as we got in the elevator at the clinic. Poor thing! I was hoping they would maybe change the cast today instead of next week, but instead they cut the cast off at the hip of the unbroken leg. He was so funny after we left the Dr., he kept moving is leg around, enjoying his new freedom. Since we've been home, he is already trying to walk around furniture and climb on the couch... I would have thought he learned his lesson...We'll be back next week.
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