Thursday, April 7, 2011

28 weeks

Oh my goodness - I can't believe I am 7 months pregnant already!  Things are going so well, and we feel so blessed to be having such a healthy pregnancy.  Let's hope everything continues to go this smoothly!  I am really feeling like I am growing like crazy.  Most of me just thinks that I look extremely overweight and not pregnant, but I have always battled these self image issues.  Regardless, I will set all that aside and just keep doing what I'm doing as everything is going so well.  

Now officially in my third trimester, baby Merrill and I are in the home stretch (part of that makes me extremely sad by the way).  He is estimated to weigh about 2 3/4 pounds and is about 15 inches long.  He is blinking his eyes, sucking on his thumb and his brain is developing billions of neurons.  Such a miracle!

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